
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Top 46 Things I Love about Spring Breakers (that no one talks about)

A few months ago, I called Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers one of my favorite films released so far this decade. It’s a neon-infused mind fuck freak show that I can’t get enough of. I was recently invited to participate in a LAMBcast discussion of the film (which will be posted on or around this Friday), and in preparation for that podcast, I decided to rewatch the movie. But this time, I paid close attention to the things I love most about Spring Breakers that are rarely discussed. Here’s what I found. 

The faint sounds of crashing waves, idle chatter in the distance – peaceful, serene. BAM, Skrillex’s “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” blares away, the title card flicks into focus. You think you know what you’re in for? Ha. You have no fucking clue.

I don’t care how many movies you’ve seen – you’ve never seen a flick open like this. Hold tight, ‘cuz here we go.

If you look at that TV playing cartoons, you’ll notice the screen is flickering. That means two things: one, Spring Breakers was shot on film (TV and computer screens don’t flicker when captured on a digital camera), and two, you know that cartoon was actually playing on set, which is very rare. Most filmmakers add images for TV and computer screens later in post. This isn’t really significant to anyone except film geeks, but if you know how rare both of these things are, it may allow you to appreciate the film more.

The first time I saw this movie, when the shot of Vanessa Hudgens taking a rip from a bong came on, I knew this flick wasn’t messing around. A Disney image-shattering shot, right up front. So audacious.

The shot of this girl just sitting on her ledge. Who’s she? What’s going through her mind?

Has a college lecture room ever looked more trippy?

The amount of frustration Candy (Hudgens) puts into spitting out the cap from her marker.

Korine wrote the preacher part for Val Kilmer, but he got sick right before shooting. Still, Jeff Jarrett does a fine job. “Are ya JACKED up on Jesus?!”

The way the camera spins down and pans around the prayer circle. There’s some Irreversible in that shot, a film also lensed by genius DP, Benoît Debie.

Brit (Ashley Benson) studying the water pistol, as if to wonder, “Hmmm, what else can this thing do?”

Faith (Selena Gomez) not clapping in the prayer circle.

“I hope you pray down there in Florida.”
“Pray hardcore.”
“Pray SUPER hardcore.”

The way the cinematography is literally grounded in these first act establishing shots, hugging the ground or the wall. The stillness of these shots is almost comforting, which is a perfect juxtaposition for the madness of the rest of the film.

Love how Faith’s roommate barely says anything, but the other three girls get so pissed at her. I mean, they’re in her room.

Perfect shot.

This was the scene that made me fall in love with Spring Breakers. The performers really make you believe that going on spring break is absolutely necessary. They have to go to escape their boring, ordinary lives. This isn’t about partying, this is about finding themselves. It sounds so silly to write that out, but these actresses, particularly Gomez, are so damn convincing. “This is more than just spring break. This is our chance to see something different.”

The sound design is talked about a lot, but really pay attention to it. Notice how the flicker of this lighter sounds like the hammer of a gun being pulled back.

The film uses repetition so damn well. Shots are duplicated, monologues are repeated, each time with a different inflection – it should be distracting (and I’m sure it is to some), but it’s so effective for the film’s unique tone. Editor Douglas Crise deserved an Oscar nomination for his work here.

The sharpness of these lens flares.

The way this big dude keeps eating during the robbery.

Remember: this is a professor’s car these gals are torching. Love them.

Brit excitedly flipping out at what I assume is Faith’s first bong hit.

The jump cuts of the bus. They’re on their way, never to return.

Old dude fist pumping in the bottom left. ‘Sup.

As the girls get to spring break, we hear a series of voiceovers of them leaving their loved ones voicemails. All these messages are in past tense, which means spring break has already happened. So is everything we see from here on out a dream? Or a fantastical remembrance? Heightened reality?

Brit and Candy making fun of Faith in the pool. One of the early signs that little ol’ Faith just doesn’t belong.

You think things are going to go very, very wrong for Cotty (Korine’s real life wife, Rachel) at the hands of these guys. But everything’s ultimately fine. I love how Korine plays with our perceptions throughout the film.

Hudgens’ voice getting all “thug” as she tells Faith how they robbed the chicken shack.

This digital effect during the hotel party scene. They’re flying now.

Cross cutting the party with the girls being arrested. Genius.

Love how the girls and the creepy male twins are the only people shown getting arrested from the party. Like… why JUST them?

Another great Debie move: the camera pushes in on the girls sitting in jail, then pans up, twirls around, masks a hidden cut, and comes back down to find the girls standing in a new location. Love that shit.

“We do it right here in St. Petes. We do it gansta! GAAANGSTAAA!”

The scene where Alien (James Franco) tries to comfort Faith is the moment everything changes in the film. This is the point where Spring Breakers becomes a fantasy. Nothing after this scene is to be taken literally. It’s real within the world of the movie (similarly to how superheroes are real in the world of a comic book film), but it’s not real to life, so to speak. For me, it’s the highlight of a film filled with memorable set pieces.

Look at Hudgens’ face as they are hugging Faith goodbye. One of the girls says “Don’t leave us,” and Hudgens lets out a sarcastic little chuckle as if to say, “No, for real though, she’s boring and she should leave.” It’s those details that make a great performance.

My favorite musical moment in the movie: Skrillex’s beautifully melancholic track “Ride Home” plays as Faith leaves Florida. Probably the most restrained song Skrillex has ever recorded, and Ellie Goulding’s vocals bring tears to my eyes.


“Yeah you took me to the ocean that one time. That’s the only time I ever been.”
“Taught yo ass how to swim”

The Twins wearing bulletproof vests as they cut up blow. Because at this point… why not?

Again, the first time I saw this scene, I genuinely had no idea what was going to happen. Candy and Brit are basically using the same phrases they did during their robbery. Could go anywhere. Then it goes somewhere we never expected.

The “Everytime” montage has be talked about a lot, rightfully so. But something that’s never mentioned is the fact that Alien is robbing these spring breakers without a mask, yet he also performs at massive spring break parties. Dude literally doesn’t give a fuck.

“He takin’ food out my baby’s mouth, and my baby’s hungry…” he says while sitting in his mansion in front of a huge pile of weed worth thousands.

Love these subjective camera shots of Franco. An Alien unhinged.

The fact that Candy and Brit call to their moms after they’ve already killed all of Big Arch’s crew.

Fun fact: the music during the raid on Arch’s house is a stringed version of “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” the Skrillex song that opens the film.

While on the phone with her mom, Candy says, “God, it was so nice to get a break from reality for a while.” It’s fantasy – all fantasy. At least that’s how I’ve always interpreted it. “Just pretend like it’s a video game.”

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  1. I still haven't seen this though I think it's in my watchlist for the year. I knew about Jeff Jarrett being in that film. He's a good wrestler but for any wrestling fan that thinks he is great as he claims to be. Then they're idiots. I quote the late Mike Graham... through this clip. It's fucking hilarious.

    1. "His little Tennessee brain." Haha, that's awesome.

      I really think you'd love Spring Breakers. There's so much to take in with this flick.

  2. Very interesting observations of what is already a masterful film. Voters probably wouldn't go near this film with a nine foot pole, but I would've loved to see it get Oscar love (Cinematography, Editing, Supp. Actor, and possibly even Supp. Actress for Selena Gomez). My favorite scene that still stays in my mind is without a doubt, the "Everytime" sequence. Both entrancing yet haunting.

    1. So happy you like this movie. I agree, there's no way Oscar voters were going to touch this, but some Indie Spirit noms would've been nice. I mean, like the film or not, you can't argue against that cinematography. It's just stunning.

  3. Great post! I really wish I could've loved this film as much as you and a lot of others did. Posts like this make me want to revisit it.

    I love what you said about the cartoon on the TV too, I never knew that.

    1. Thanks! I totally understand why people don't like this film (or like it as much as I do). It's style and content are so polarizing. But I'm glad you dig that geeky comment about the TV!

  4. Looooooved this film. I hated it when I first saw it, but its trippiness, audacity and surrealism is just so addictive. Your post makes me want to re-watch it! Everything about this film works so well, from the cinematography (is Debie the DP on Gaspar Noé's Love too?) to the editing. Even though Franco gets most of the acting acclaim, I thought all of the 4 girls did brilliant jobs. I mean, I grew up watching Hudgens in High School Musical and Gomez on Wizards of Waverly Place, and to see them here was just mindblowing.

    1. I think the reversal rate of this film is so fascinating. I know a ton of people who hated it when they first saw it, but really like it now. I love that.

      Debie DID shoot Love, which makes me even more excited for that film. I also think everyone in the film is great. Hudgens always stole the show for me, because her character is so surprisingly vicious. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Ooo awesome post! I noticed the trippy classroom this time 'round. GOD, I love the colours in this film!
    One little moment that stood out to me on my rewatch was the way Franco is like dancing in his car while taking the girls from jail. It made me laugh so much. He's such a compelling weirdo.

    I wondered why the girls and the twins are the only ones being arrested too. I don't get it but it works. And yeah, the music when Faith is leaving town is my favourite in the movie as well. Really beautiful.

    1. Oh that little head turn he's doing? I love that. Gomez is like... what the fuck is this? Sooo glad you like "Ride Home". That song is so damn perfect. Who knew Skrillex had so much restraint? Great stuff. Also, love talking with you on the podcast!

  6. This post is perfect. I gave Korine my personal best director that year and you've highlighted a lot of the reasons why. It's a great film. Thanks for this post.

    1. Wow man, what a nice comment! So happy you enjoyed the post so much. Thanks so much Dell!

  7. Shit, I need to rewatch this immediately. I'm absolutely crazy about this movie and I remember being absolutely blown away the first time I saw it. Whate a ride. Seriously, buddy, this is the kind of film I crave and this post is amazing. When Faith leaves town, the music is simply fantastic. Love love love this film!!!

    1. Awesome man, love your enthusiasm for this movie! So happy you like the post, and THRILLED that you dig that "Ride Home" track.

  8. Glad you brought this one back for a minute, AW, as my appreciation for how f--ked up it is has waned in the year-plus since I've seen it.

    I totally dug your observations, especially the tiny details (the guy who continues to eat during the robbery) and the bits on sound and music (the music was so rad). This movie is beautiful chaos.

    1. "Beautiful chaos..." that's awesome. So, so true. Really happy you dig the post, and the movie itself. This one never gets old.

    2. This movie was so out of left field ya can't really go wrong with gun wielding bikini babes,Selena's portrayal of Faith is sublime she's a stunning young woman I noticed for the first time in this flick all heading into a bad end circling around self destruction faith saved by her innocence the rest given over to madness awesome

  9. Really, really great post, Alex! I absolutely loved this movie, and it made it on my top 10 for the year! I really like your last's all a fantasy. Maybe it just went right over my head, but I definitely didn't look at it that way!!

    1. Thanks Courtney! I've always kind of latched onto that idea that the second have of the movie is a fantasy, so I'm glad you like that idea!

  10. I wasn't a big fan of this movie the first time i saw it, but i re-watched it again a few months ago and i liked it much more then. I guess i didn't know what to expect the first time around and just found it too strange. But i have always loved the cinematography of the movie at least. It is absolutely stunning at times. And James Franco has never been better either. I feel like this is a movie that is gonna grow on me more and more each time i watch it.

    1. It definitely makes for a jarring first viewing experience. I had no idea what this was about when I first saw it, and I was like, "What the fuuuuck" is going on. But I'm so happy you've come around to it. Definitely gets better every time I watch it.

  11. I love that the professor, during his lecture, talks about Jim Crow laws and black men taking back what's rightfully theirs from men in the racist south; Alien and Arch. Which is also interesting considering the only person in the diner not affected by them is the person of color who begrudgingly gives up his wallet to the girls.

    I also love that he talks about the Double V campaign of WWII and actually says, regarding soldiers, "-they would leave and see their friends shot at. They're going to come back a different person, a radicalized individual" - Brit and Candy

  12. Excellent post! Love the film, and these little details are wonderful. This is easily one of the best INSANE films I've ever seen.

    1. Thanks man! Definitely an insane ride - love it!

  13. Sniff SNiff. I loved this post. You made me want to rewatch this movie again after reading this. That college dorm room is indeed trippy and I love the opening of this flick. Thanks again for being on the show

    1. For sure man, thanks for leading such a great and enthusiastic discussion. I could tell you were so hyped for this!

  14. Awesome article! I really enjoyed the film but I had no idea of the amount of great detail until you pointed it out. The score especially, and the sound, were remarkable

  15. Perfect post about a perfect film.
